Social Services Administration
Our program mission is: To offer culturally sensitive and holistic services to Nez Perce families and the communities of the Nez Perce Reservation, while providing a welcoming environment for families to receive services and information towards immediate and long term sufficiency and safety.
The 1975 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Pub. L. 93-638, gave Indian tribes the authority to contract with the Federal government to operate programs serving their tribal members and other eligible persons. Further, in 1994 the Secretaries of the Department of Interior and Health and Human Services issued a joint rule to implement section 107 of the Indian Self Determination Act, as amended including Title I, Public Law 103-413, the Indian Self Determination Contract Reform Act of 1994. This allowed Health and Human Services to award contracts and grants directly to Indian Tribes without the burden or confusion of two sets of rules and process.
On January 24, 1995 the Nez Perce Tribe adopted Resolution 95-185 stating: The Nez Perce Tribe Executive Committee is responsible for the Social Services for the Nez Perce Reservation; and the Bureau of Indian Affairs Social Services Program at Northern Idaho is a program that can be contracted under P.L. 93-638 and the Nez Perce Tribe Executive Committee has established under tribal control that the Social Services would be more closely coordinated with other Social Services and could be tailored to address the unique needs of the Nez Perce Reservation; and on this date, the Nez Perce Tribe takes formal action to authorize the submission of the BIA Social Services 638 Contract under Chairman Charles Hayes.
Social Services Department Organizational Chart
Contact: Sophia Allen
208-843-2463 ext. 4665
Nez Perce Tribe Financial Assistance Programs within Department:
- BIA General Assistance (G.A.)
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Low Income Home Water Assistance
- Nez Perce Tribal Financial Assistance (Basic Needs through donations & contributions, Elder’s Assistance, Emergency Housing, Senior Citizens Firewood) – Application Here
- Emergency Medical / Burial Assistance
- Nez Perce Tribe Affordable Connectivity Program – Application Here
BIA General Assistance: Provides financial assistance payments to eligible Indians for essential needs of food, clothing, shelter, and utilities. The goal of General Assistance is to increase self-sufficiency. This is accomplished through specific steps an individual will take to increase independence as outlined in his/her Individual Self-Sufficiency Plan (ISP). To be eligible for General Assistance, all applicants must apply concurrently for financial assistance from other state, tribal, county, local or other Federal agency programs for which they might be eligible.
The purpose of the Nez Perce Tribe Financial Assistance Plan is to assist enrolled Nez Perce Tribal members who are undergoing a hardship and meet the eligibility guidelines as approved by the Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee by NP 09-081(November 25-26, 2008). Services will not be duplicated, with the exception of Emergency Housing Assistance, Burial Assistance and Extreme Emergency Assistance (i.e. you may not receive elder assistance and donations and contribution basic needs.). Assistance is dependent upon the availability of funds. Federal Poverty Guidelines at 133% will be applied to Donations & Contributions-General Financial Assistance and Youth-Basic Needs. Each applicant may receive assistance once per fiscal year (October 1 to September 30). (Exception: Extreme Emergency Assistance and Burial Assistance.) Applicants must provide verification of Nez Perce Tribal enrollment, documentation of need and verification of income (if required). While in process of relinquishment, individuals are not eligible for assistance or benefits.
The Nez Perce Tribe Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) assists low income households, particularly those with the lowest incomes that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, in meeting their immediate home energy needs. The LIHEAP grant strives to assist eligible households make home heating more affordable, avoid disconnection of utility services during the winter, and maintain a warm, safe, and healthy environment for households with young children, the elderly, and the disabled. Eligibility is established by federal guidelines, as the recipient of these monies, this program attests that applicant(s) average heating costs divided by annual income equals burden percentage of which assistance is established. Applicants must meet federal income guidelines of below 150% median income.
Contact: Taricia Moliga – Intake Services Director
Sophia Allen
311 Agency Road
Lapwai, Idaho 83541
208-843-2463 (Lapwai)
208-621-3631 (Kamiah Office)
Indian Child Welfare and Child Protection
- To report child abuse or neglect to the Nez Perce Tribe contact: 208-843-7302
- To report child abuse or neglect to the State of Idaho 24 Hour Central Intake: 855-552-5437
- CPS Fax Number/place confidential cover sheet please 208 843 9401
The Nez Perce Tribe Indian Child Welfare Program consists of:
- Child Protection & Welfare Services
- Indian Child Welfare
- Foster Home Licensing Foster Care Application
- Family Preservation Services though In Home voluntary service plan
- Nez Perce Tribe Children’s Home
- ‘inhimiyume (My Relative’s) Sober Living Home Application House Rules
- ‘init Home (Teen Shelter) Intake Form Parent Consent Form
Indian Child Welfare inquiries and Qualified Expert Witness Requests for state hearings may be sent to:
Jackie McArthur: and/or
Rebecca Lehman
Fax: 208-843-9401
Certified Mail:
NPT Indian Child Welfare
PO Box 365
Lapwai, ID 83540
It is the purpose of the Social Services Child Protection Program to provide active and consistent support and case management to ensure the protection and welfare of Nez Perce children living both on and off the reservation and American Indian children who are eligible for enrollment on the Nez Perce Reservation.
Contact: Director of Indian Child Welfare: Rebecca Lehman
Child Welfare/CPS 208-843-7302 / 1-877-304-7187
Fax: 208-843-9401
Senior Citizens Program
The Nez Perce Tribe Senior Citizen Program strives to promote health and the well-being of older individuals by assisting such individuals to gain address to elder resources, nutrition, disease prevention, and health promotion services to delay the onset of adverse health conditions resulting from poor nutritional health or sedentary behavior. Our program assists and helps to reduce hunger and food insecurity of our Nez Perce Tribal elders. Congregate meal sites are Lapwai and Kamiah.
Georganne Morrison, Program Director
Mary Tallbull, Program Assistant
- Lapwai: 208-843-7311
- Kamiah: 208-935-2526
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
The TANF Program was authorized in 1996 as the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act with the goal of self-sufficiency for families within 60 months. The Nez Perce Tribe opened their TANF Program in January 1999.
TANF is celebrating 25 years this month! Congress authorized four (4) Purposes to be met: 1) Provide assistance so that children may be cared for in their own home or in homes of relatives; 2) End the dependence of needy parents by promoting job preparation, work and marriage; 3) Prevent and reduce the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancy and 4) Encourage the formation and maintenance of two-parent families. At the heart of the Act is the ability to design our program to meet self-sufficiency goals through OJT placement, education and/or training. The Nez Perce Tribe TANF Program has not seen an increase in either the federal or state funding but the need is there
TANF connects participants with education, training, and employment and provides assistance for low-income families to care for their children.
To receive assistance, applicants must:
- Be enrolled with the Nez Perce Tribe
- Qualify as low-income
- Sign and follow an employability development plan
See the TANF Application Checklist.
Families can receive TANF benefits for up to 60 months, and are reevaluated every 3 months to see if they are still eligible.
Contact: Consuelo Guillory, Director 208-843-2464 |
USDA Food and Nutrition Services
The Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) program is administered at the Federal level by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Nez Perce Tribe USDA Food and Nutrition Services – Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) is designed to promote the general welfare and to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation’s Indian population by raising the levels of nutrition among eligible low-income households living on or near Indian reservations. The Nez Perce Tribe Food Distribution Programs provides two distribution locations at the headquarters in Lapwai and satellite office in Kamiah.
USDA Food and Nutrition Feature (video)
- Lapwai: 208-843-7305
- Kamiah: 208-935-4115
Úuyit Kímti (New Beginnings) Program
(Formerly known as The Women’s Outreach Program)
Our program provides intervention, advocacy, accompaniment, support services, and related assistance for intimate partner violence victims and non-offending secondary victims affected by the violence. Our program will assist to create, maintain and expand sustainable services and activities that are responsive to the needs of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking within our tribal community. Advocacy and services are provided by the program.
This program will support:
- 24 hour hotline/crisis services;
- Confidential accompaniment and advocacy through medical, criminal justice, safety planning and social support systems, to include medical, filing police reports and court proceedings and transportation;
- Crisis intervention, short & long term service coordination in assisting intimate partner victims and their family;
- Community-based, trauma informed culturally specific services and support mechanism, including outreach activities within our tribal communities;
- Create, develop and distribute informational material related to services and violence prevention.
The Nez Perce ‘Úuyit Kímti (New Beginnings) Program will provide emergency shelter assistance and/or transitional housing assistance to individuals (male or female) who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and/or stalking. Emergency Shelter Assistance and Transitional Housing Services will provide to victims who are in need of transitional housing or other housing assistance, as a result of fleeing a situation of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
Services are voluntary, cannot be mandated and are confidential as required by tribal and federal law.
Counseling for Offenders
Nimiipuu Health offers counseling and support groups for those who have acted violently against their partner or family members. Nimiipuu Behavioral Health Department may be reached at 208-843-2271.
208-621-4778 | 24-Hour number: 1-844-762-8483
Amanda Lopez, Program Director
101 Agency Road, Lapwai, ID 83540
Seeking assistance from ‘Úuyit Kímti i is confidential. Your information will not be shared without your written permission.
Resources for Victims of Violence
Additional resources for victims of violence:
- Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE
- YWCA of Lewiston and Clarkston: 1-800-669-3176
Additional Resources
What to Do When a Loved One Goes Missing – the First 72 Hours are Crucial!
Do not wait! Time is critical and you can take action:
- Contact local law enforcement ASAP & file a missing person report. You will need name, date of birth, description, scars & tattoos, medical conditions, etc.
- Gather and track any information. Where were they last seen, who were they with, do they have a vehicle, items left behind, unusual behavior, medical etc?
- Preserve any evidence you have. Do: take pictures of the area, make note of anything you think of, limit access, and give law enforcement account info. Don’t: touch or move anything, throw away anything, or delete or alter any accounts.
- Call in help from family, friends, community, and victim service advocates. Call hospitals, jails, shelters, and churches, make flyers with identifying information, and contact media for help with flyers.
- Link to guide for “When a loved one goes missing resources for families of missing American Indian and Alaskan native adults”. DOJ, DOI, HHS & OLJ. When a Loved One Goes Missing: Resources for Families of Missing American Indian and Alaska Native Adults (
Veterans Program
The Veterans Program can assist Nez Perce Veterans and/or their families with: Ordering DD214 (Discharge Paper), signing up for VA Benefits, ordering and setting headstones, gas assistance for appointments, transportation to appointments, emergency assistance, direct them to the appropriate programs or agencies that can assist them.
Veteran Program serves veterans who have been discharged ‘honorable’ from the United States Military. This office can assist Veterans with acquiring their separation papers from the Veteran Administration for their DD214 (Separation Papers). The Defense Department issues to each veteran a DD-214, identifying the veteran’s condition of discharge – honorable, general, other than honorable, dishonorable or bad conduct.
Why is a DD214 important?
The Report of Separation contains information normally needed to verify military service for benefits, retirement, employment, and membership in veterans’ organizations. Information shown on the Report of Separation may include the service member’s:
Date and place of entry into active duty; Home address at time of entry’ Date and place of release from active duty; Home address after separation; Last duty assignment and rank; Military job specialty; Military education; Decorations, medals, badges, citations, and campaign awards; Total creditable service; Foreign service credited; Separation information (type of separation, character of service, authority and reason for separation, separation and reenlistment eligibility codes).
Mary S. Taylor Veterans Benefits: 208-621-4738 | 208-791-8596 |
Adult Protection Program
The Adult Protection Services Program’s main goal is to maximize area resources to support Elders to live safely and independently in their own homes. The program strives to reach out to isolated and vulnerable Elders and connect them to safety and wellness resources. The program currently holds monthly Adult Protection Multi-Disciplinary meetings with various tribal programs. The program partners with many other programs/resources regularly in the local community that include: NMPH, ‘Úuyit Kímti, NPTHA, NPTLE, Behavioral Health, Veterans, Financial Assistance, Tribal Court, Tribal Prosecutor, Area Agency on Aging, Goodwill Payee Program, Snake River Guardianship, and local area care facilities.
Contact: Margaret McCormack
Phone: (208) 621-3873 E-Mail: