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Welcome to the Nez Perce Tribe Revised Code (“NPTrC”)

This page is currently under construction. (See Resolution NP 22-212 passed by the Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee (“NPTEC”)).

Qe’ciyew’yew’ (Thank you) for your patience. The NPTrC is a living document of the statutes adopted by the NPTEC and is updated/amended as necessary.

This page contains the NPTrC, emergency amendments, and proposed amendments. Currently, the NPTrC consists of 13 titles.

From time to time, the NPTEC amends the statutes of the Nez Perce Tribe (“Tribe”). The Tribe makes every effort to ensure that the statutes on this page are updated promptly as they are amended. It is the responsibility of the user to confirm that a given statute is current. Questions regarding the Tribal Code may be directed to the Tribe’s Office of Legal Counsel, 208-843-7355.

Proposed Amendments – includes deadlines for comment period:

Proposed amendments to the Nez Perce Tribe Revised Code, to comply with the Violence Against Women Act — specifically Title 1, Title 2, and Title 4 listed below (Comments due by 4:30 pm,  September 18, 2024):

Emergency Amendments:

  • None at this time.

Recent Amendments:

  • None at this time.