NPTEC Candidate – Seat 2: David Scott

Enrollment# 1426


I have four (4) children, one (1) son-through marriage and three daughters-one through marriage. Eight (8) Grandkids and seven (7) Great-Grandkids. Married to Yvonne Stanger-Scott (Colville) for nineteen (L9) years. My parents were, Lyman A. Scott Sr. and Clara R.
Scott (both deceased).



Attended school at Lapwai, 1-1O, joined the United States Marine Corps 1972-74-MOS2531, Field Radio Operator. Honorably Discharged April 30,1974. Worked as a Carpenter Apprentice for a three (3) year program and completed. Worked in the Carpentry Field for another twenty (20) years then worked off and on as a contract carpenter for the next four (4) years. I also established myself with the Saw/Lumbermill in Kamiah before becoming a Substance Abuse Counselor for the Nez Perce Tribe for the next twenty one (21) years. After the first two (2) years I became certified and I also gained my G.E.D. Becoming an Alcohol/Drug Certified Counselor required medical, first-aid (first responders) training as well as understanding individual-family-groups-couples and community counseling techniques. I re-certified every two (2) years. I also became a Certified DUl-Evaluator for eight (8) years with the State of ldaho.


Along with my work education and experience, I also volunteered at the Sweathouse/lodge for the State of ldaho for over ten (10) years at Orofino, Cottonwood, Boise, Pocatello, and Pendleton. lncidentally my work/education history actually started at the age of thirteen (13) working for the Summer Program of NYC-Neighborhood Youth Corps. This was a yearly event for at least the next three (3) years, plus during the school year-before school class time and after-and holiday.


Experience: Being on the NMPH-Niimiipuu Health Board for about two (2) years and being a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor, working with the Prison System for over ten (10) years has provided me
with a variety of insight from all aspects of those who have needs that can and will provide individual,
family and community assistance plus awareness. This is something t feel is my strongest points.


NPTEC Table: The ability to stand in thee lime light, shine for our people and always consider where
we been, where we are now and what we can be. Being a Veteran (US-Marine Corps), I really believe we
need a veteran on NPTEC, it’s been awhile since we have a veteran on NPTEC, we can’t afford to forget
the special needs of our service people.




Why I’m Running: To restore Nez Perce Tribal traditional/cultural identity, to remember our senior citizens and veterans, and most of all our ceremonies.