Nez Perce Tribe Statement on Conservation Group Lawsuit Challenging Forest Service Approval of the Stibnite Gold Project

Lapwai, Idaho – On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, a coalition of conservation groups including the Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Rivers United, Save the South Fork Salmon, and national organizations filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Forest Service that challenges the agency’s authorization of the Stibnite Gold Project, a proposed open-pit gold mine lying within the Nez Perce Tribe’s (“Tribe”) homeland. The Tribe opposes the Project, which would approve mining in the East Fork South Fork Salmon River, an important watershed for Endangered Species Act-listed Chinook salmon, steelhead, and bull trout, as well as other fish, wildlife, and plant species for which the Tribe holds treaty-reserved rights. Historically, the South Fork Salmon River, including the East Fork South Fork Salmon River, produced among the largest returns of summer-run Chinook in the Snake River basin.

“The Nez Perce Tribe shares the conservation organizations’ deep concern for the fish, wildlife, and other resources placed at imminent risk by the Stibnite Gold Project. For the Tribe, these are treaty-reserved life sources central to the identity, culture, and wellbeing of the Nimiipuu, the Nez Perce people,” stated Shannon F. Wheeler, Chairman of the Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee (“NPTEC”).

“The Tribe also shares the conservation organizations’ dismay with the Forest Service for authorizing the Stibnite Gold Project without curing the significant legal problems identified by the Tribe in comments submitted to the Forest Service. Their authorization violates bedrock environmental laws and the federal government’s treaty and trust responsibilities to the Tribe,” stated Chairman Wheeler.

Perpetua Resources has not yet secured all state and federal permits necessary to proceed with the Stibnite Gold Project. Chairman Wheeler states, “the Tribe continues to work in a government-to-government capacity with other federal agencies to uphold the United States’ treaty and trust obligations to the Tribe. The Tribe will take all necessary steps to defend its treaty-reserved rights and life sources.”