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Nez Perce Tribe Hires Kermit Mankiller as Enterprise Executive Officer

The Nez Perce Tribe is proud to announce and welcome Kermit C. Mankiller, an enrolled member of the Nez Perce Tribe, as the new Executive Officer for Nez Perce Tribal Enterprises (NPTE).  Mankiller will be responsible for  the oversight of the Tribe’s Enterprises—Clearwater River Casino & Lodge, It’se Ye Ye Casino, Nez Perce Express, and Camas Express—as well as general responsibilities including developing new business enterprises and economic opportunities for the Nez Perce Tribe.  

“The Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee is pleased to hire Mr. Mankiller as the new Executive Officer for Tribal Enterprises,” stated Mary Jane Miles, Chairman of the Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee.  “He brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the position that will greatly benefit the Tribe.”  

Thomas Rickman Jr. served as NPTE’s Interim Executive Officer and handled the day-to-day duties of the position while the Tribe worked to recruit a full-time replacement for the former Executive Officer, Joe Pakootas.  “The Tribe is grateful to Mr. Rickman for his service in the position during the search for a full-time Executive Officer.  With Mr. Mankiller at the helm, Tribal Enterprises can continue progressing and growing.  I believe the future for the organization and the Enterprises looks promising for the Nez Perce Tribe,” concluded Miles.

Mankiller transitions into this position with a vast amount of knowledge and experience.  He first attended Lewis-Clark State College graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Administration. He subsequently earned a Master of Business Administration from Gonzaga University.  For the last five years, Mankiller served as NPTE’s Business Operations Director where he handled the general management of NPTE’s non-gaming business operations.  Mankiller was also responsible for the oversight, planning, strategy, and general management of NPTE’s two convenience stores as well as developing resources and creating new business development for the organization.

Prior to his most recent experience with the Nez Perce Tribe, Mankiller held several director and specialist positions including operating his own consulting firm, K.C. Mankiller Consulting.  K.C. Mankiller Consulting offered professional level training and management services to tribal organizations and federal contractors.  Mankiller specialized in accounting, finance, strategic planning, and issues pertaining to tribal affordable housing.

Mankiller is prepared to take on this new role and already has his goals lined out.  Aside from renewing the focus on operations, he also plans to diversify business operations. He would like to implement more manufacturing and agriculture into the Enterprises. In fact, he will be taking the lead in the launching of a metal-manufacturing initiative later this year.

“It is a privilege and an honor to have been selected to lead the Tribal Enterprises and I am excited to get started in this positon,” stated Mankiller.  “My initial goal is to renew the focus on our core operations; gaming and hospitality, as well as convenience and retail operations. We need to operate our current businesses as efficiently and as effectively as possible while taking advantage of opportunities to expand the scope of our operations,” continued Mankiller.

Aside from operations, Mankiller is committed to hiring and developing the tribal workforce.  “Our tribal members are a wonderful resource and I want to develop our leaders of the future by ensuring they are gaining the experience and training necessary to succeed,” concluded Mankiller.