NPTEC Candidate – Seat 2: Alexis Walker
Name: íinim weníikt wées Tamalwíitanmy Nimíipuutimtki káa Alexis Walker Soyapóotimtki.
Parents: Ne’íic hiiwes Elizabeth Bohnee káa na’tóot hiwéeke Xáxaac Grizzly Bear Walker. Ne’éel káa na’qlac hiwsíine Beulah Oatman káa Jerry Walker Sr..
Grandparents: Na’qáac káa na’plax hiwsíine Witalaliikma Andrea káa ‘isluumc Horace Axtell, Harlan káa Ruth Bohnee. I come from the Lamtáama (White Bird), Lookingglass and Chief Joseph Bands and reside in Qemyexp (Kamiah, Idaho).
About Me
Hello everyone, and thank you for your time. I come before you today not just as a candidate for Seat 2 of the Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee (NPTEC), but as a committed member of this community—one who has lived its challenges, shared in its triumphs, and worked to bring people together for real solutions.
I come from the Walker, Bohnee, and Axtell families and was born and raised in qemexp. I was raised with the teachings of our elders—respect, responsibility, and service to our people. These values are the foundation of my commitment to you.
Beyond my professional experience, my most important role is being a full-time caregiver to my two young nieces, Mia, age 6, and Cecilia—who we call Cali—age 5. We’ve been together for two years now, and they are my greatest motivation. Taking care of them has reinforced my belief in the importance of building a future that protects, nurtures, and uplifts our next generations. It’s not just about leadership today—it’s about what we leave behind for our children and grandchildren.
I also stand before you as someone who has faced personal challenges. I am a recovering alcoholic, and in May 2025, I will celebrate my fourth year of sobriety. Recovery has taught me resilience, accountability, and the power of community. It has strengthened my commitment to integrity and to being a leader who is transparent, honest, and accountable—not only to myself, but to all of you.
I bring 20 years of experience working within tribal government, including more than 10 years with the Nez Perce Tribe. My primary career has been in Human Resources, where I have played a key role in organizational development, policy management, crisis response, and workforce
planning. I understand how to navigate complex systems, improve efficiency, and ensure fairness in decision-making—all skills that are critical to effective tribal governance.
In addition to my work in HR, I have experience across multiple tribal departments, including:
- Fisheries, where I helped protect our natural resources and uphold our treaty rights.
- Early Childhood Development, where I worked to strengthen education and cultural identity for our youngest generations.
- Nimiipuu Health, where I saw firsthand the critical need for quality healthcare services.
- NPT Enterprises, where I worked to promote economic growth, job creation, and financial stability for our tribe.
Beyond my work in these areas, I have taken action at the grassroots level. I have organized community think tanks in Kamiah, bringing together our people to identify issues, problem-solve, and develop common-sense, consensus-driven solutions. These forums have created a safe space for Wisdom Keepers and Wisdom Seekers to come together, share knowledge, and develop a strategic community plan to guide our leadership.
This isn’t just talk—we are building real solutions with real accountability. Our people are coming together to shape our policies, establish systems with checks and balances, and create meaningful engagement between community members, local leadership, Tribal Departments, and NPTEC. This is how we take control of our future. It is going to take all of us—our vision, creativity, and belief that we can organize and strategically use our resources to strengthen our communities.
The Challenges We Face
Right now, our tribe is dealing with:
- Unbalanced budgets that put our future at risk.
- Incomplete projects that leave our people without the services and infrastructure we need.
- Mismanaged investments that create frustration and uncertainty.
These are serious problems—but they are not impossible to fix. With strong leadership, accountability, and strategic planning, we can overcome them.
What I hope to bring to the NPTEC table:
My Vision: Sovereignty, Transparency, Accountability, and Unity
Sovereignty: Our sovereignty is the core of who we are. I will fight to protect our rights, our lands, and our resources, especially in the face of growing external pressures. My experience in crisis management, gained through years in Human Resources, will help our tribe navigate these challenges with strength and resilience.
Transparency: Our people deserve to know how our resources are being managed. I will push for open financial reporting, regular updates on projects and investments, and clear communication from our leadership.
Accountability: Mismanagement must end. We need thorough financial audits, clear oversight, and a commitment to responsible governance to rebuild trust. But accountability isn’t just about pointing fingers—it’s about ensuring that our resources are managed wisely and ethically for the benefit of all.
Unity: We can only move forward if we work together. We must bridge the gaps between tribal leadership, community members, and tribal departments. Every voice matters, and I will continue to create spaces for meaningful community engagement, where real solutions can be developed and implemented.
My Priorities for Our Tribe
- Protect and strengthen our tribal sovereignty against external challenges.
- Transform tribal policies to better support individuals, families, and communities.
- Provide ethical leadership that prioritizes the well-being of our people.
- Strengthen fiscal oversight to protect our resources and ensure long-term financial stability.
- Implement a strategic plan that reflects the needs and voices of our people.
- Invest in education to ensure our children have the tools to succeed.
- Create consistent pathways to our language, lands, ceremonies, and traditional foods.
Empower our people by giving them a direct role in decision-making and governance.
I am not here to make empty promises—I am here to do the work. I have already started by bringing our communities together to develop strategic solutions, and I will continue to do so as your representative.
I am asking for your support and your vote for NPTEC Seat 2 so that together, we can build a stronger, more united Nimiipuu Nation. Let’s honor our past, empower our present, and secure our future—not just for ourselves, but for generations to come.